General Financial information
Centennial Surgery Center is committed to providing you with the best possible care. If you have medical insurance, we are anxious to help you receive your maximum allowable benefits. In order to achieve these goals, we need your assistance and your understanding of our payment policy.
There are separate charges for the facility, the physician/surgeon and anesthesia. As part of the Centennial Surgery Center patient rights and responsibility guidelines, we feel that you have a right to know how we file for reimbursement and what your financial responsibility is to us prior to your surgery. We participate with many third party payors including Medicare, Medicaid, Aetna, Horizon, Amerihealth, Keystone, Independence Blue Cross/Shield, Atlanticare, United Healthcare, Cigna, and CHN. If you do not see your insurance plan on our list, please contact the billing department directly at (732) 383-4164.
Participation means we follow the carrier’s guidelines of the amount determined payable on a given procedure, minus any deductibles, co-pays or co-insurance due from the patient. If during the verification process, it is discovered that an out-of-pocket expense is due, this amount will be due at the time of registration on the day of your procedure. Please be sure to check for any message that may be left for you regarding your financial responsibilities. A representative of the Center's Business Office would be happy to speak to you for any questions, concerns or regarding available payment options. The Center does not currently accept personal checks but does accept all major credit cards.