Patient Responsibilities
To give your doctor and the Center staff complete and accurate information about your current health, past illnesses and hospitalizations, any medications to include over the counter products and any allergies or sensitivities.
To inform your doctor and the Center staff that you have a medical power of attorney or other directive that could affect your care. A copy of the medical power of attorney or directive will be placed in your medical record prior to your admission.
To follow the orders and instructions given by your doctor and instructions given by the staff for your care,including keeping follow-up appointments after discharge.
To provide a responsible adult to transport you home from the facility if you have anesthesia and remain with you for 24 hours, if required by your doctor.
To report unexpected changes in your condition to your physician and nurse.
To accept responsibility for refusing treatment.
To show consideration for other patients by following all rules and regulations pertaining to smoking, visitors,noise and general conduct.
To accept financial obligations associated with your care.
To be considerate of staff members who are caring for you. A mutual spirit of respect and cooperation allows us to serve you best.
To advise your nurse, physician, caregiver and/or the business office staff of any dissatisfaction you may have regarding your care.